You can make your text italic or bold by putting * and ** around your word/sentence

/ allows you to type a command, try it!

This is just the plain /Text command

Here I created a page

There's a lot more possibilities I will let you explore, you can

Make quotes for example with /Quote

Or you can even

As you can see, lots of possibilities, when you are lost and want to create an element in Notion, just type / and write the first letter of the element you want to create

@ is used to make a reference

‣ ← this is a reference to the page I made below

@Thomas L <— this is a reference to me

August 8, 2021 ← you can even reference the time like this

Multi-columns layout

If you want to create multiple columns you can select your content and put it where you want, as you can see above I created two columns but you can have even more, here is a three column layout.